Physics Idea

Haptic Feedback for Accessibility

I’ve once mentioned in my Personal Statement somewhere that I made an accessibility concept for mobile devices (mostly tablets).

Engineering Physics

3D-Printed Binaural Microphone

This is a DIY, makeshift binaural microphone. If you wish to understand the reasons for making this and the science behind the scenes, read this post.

Physics Mathematics

Binaural Recordings

Introduction [Easy to read Part 1] A Binaural recording means recording a sound with two microphones for ‘stereo’ sound.

Music Physics

Physics behind Music – Harmonics, Overtones, and Tuning

Harmonics – Why Does it Sound Nice? Let’s recap on the harmonic series.

Music Physics

Physics behind Music – The Basics

Musical instruments produce sound with standing waves. Standing waves are formed when a continuous wave is sent down a path and becomes reflected.